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Yeah my 15 year old dog had a set of seizures that resulted in brain swelling and brain damage. Emergency vet wanted me that she’d need medication that could buy her a few months or maybe more and left it up to me to decide what to do. I had them stabilize her, got her on the seizure medicine, took her home and really second guessed my decision. She wasn’t herself. She’d gone blind, walking was hard as control of her rear legs wasn’t great, wandered in circles ceaselessly until I forced her to lay down, any time she smelled food she tried to eat anything that was in front of her.
My main vet said the same thing you said, though. That as long as she wasn’t in pain and could eat/drink/control relieving herself that my vet couldn’t recommend putting her down. Surprisingly she improved a lot, too. Got her vision back and mostly acts like a normal dog though she’s not the dog she used to be. She’s also made it to 17 years old so there’s that.