
According to a report in the Arabic language al-Hayat newspaper, Israel’s message was delivered to Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) through United Nations Special Envoy for the Middle East Nickolay Mladenov.

Israel has warned Palestinian Islamic Jihad that the IDF would assassinate the group’s leader Ziad al-Nakhla if the rocket fire continues.
According to a report in the Arabic language al-Hayat newspaper, Israel’s message was delivered to Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) through United Nations Special Envoy for the Middle East Nickolay Mladenov.
“If the PIJ continues to fire rockets at Israeli towns, Israel threatens to escalate assassinations and that the Secretary-General of the group is not safe from these threats, he is also a target,” the report quoted a source as saying.  “But if the group stops firing rockets towards the settlements of Gaza envelope and commits to a truce, Israel will abide by all the terms of the truce understandings and will also provide more facilities to the Gaza Strip.”Pretty wild: #Israel reportedly sent a message to PIJ through UN Special Coordinator @nmladenov that if the group continue to fire rockets, the military will eliminate PIJ leader Ziad Nahalka who lives in Damascus https://t.co/zW7eU7fEM4
— Anna Ahronheim (@AAhronheim) November 13, 2019
The sources stressed to the paper that while Israel is not interested in escalation, PIJ will likely continue to escalate the situation over the coming hours as the efforts of Mladenov between Israel and Islamic Jihad to put an end to the violence has yet to achieve any results.Hamas, the report continued,  does not want to involve itself in the latest round 
“We believe that PIJ is on its own,” the sources told al-Hayat.
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