
Like many a Nintendo fan, I still have fond memories of the Wii. I may never play it nowadays, but there was something innocent about that era when, for a brief time, it seemed like …

Like many a Nintendo fan, I still have fond memories of the Wii. I may never play it nowadays, but there was something innocent about that era when, for a brief time, it seemed like motion controls might actually become mainstream. If your Wiis been collecting dust on a shelf or in storage like mine, now might be a good time to check if it still works.
Nintendo of Japan recently released a statement saying it will no longer repair the aging console beginning March 31. The company is essentially running out of parts, which presumably arent being made anymore; the company says it might not be able to repair your system if parts have run out before that date.
The companys American and European branches havent yet said when theyd follow suit, but at this point, its only a matter of time. Fifteen years isnt a bad run though, and you can always find third party sources that are willing to perform the repairs. Just dont expect them to come from Nintendo itself.
Via Engadget
on Nintendo [Japanese]