
New York and Rhode Island both reported their first confirmed cases Sunday.

The novel coronavirus continues to spread throughout the U.S., as the first confirmed case in New York state was announced Sunday. The patient is a woman in her 30s who contracted the disease while traveling in Iran, according to Governor Andrew Cuomo. She is not in serious condition, the governor said.
There have been a total of at least 77 confirmed cases in the U.S. so far, according to reports from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and state health departments. Rhode Island reported its first case Sunday and two new cases were reported in Kings County, Washington.
Worldwide, more than 87,000 people have been diagnosed with coronavirus, resulting in at least 3,037 deaths. 
Trevor Bedford, a computational biologist at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, tweeted Saturday that an analysis of a specimen from a new case in Snohomish County closely matched the specimen of the first known coronavirus case in the U.S., a person who had traveled recently from Wuhan, China. He said that indicates the virus has been spreading undetected in Washington for six weeks.
Meanwhile, the number of cases in Italy climbed to 1,377 total as Delta and American Airlines temporarily suspended service from New York City to Milan.