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Man, this makes me really happy. I’m also someone who lets go of things onto eBay / Craigslist when they’re not used anymore. I sold my first ever guitar to some dude from Craigslist this week for $100, as I hadn’t been playing it anymore. As I was tuning it to make sure it sounded okay when he tried it, I felt really nostalgic and fond of it, but you know, the instrument (or DS) belongs in the hands of someone who’s going to play it for another 50 – 100 – ??? hours, not its original owner who’s played it for 300-500 hours but realistically will not be playing it very much anymore. But like, you can only hope that it’s going into the hands of someone who’s actually going to play it a lot. Someone has every right to buy it and then end up forgetting about it, drawn into other things. All this to say I totally get the mentality of someone who would write this note. Great share OP, thanks for caring about it.