
Roxette, founded in 1986 by Mary Fredrickson and Gessle, was one of the most successful pop bands of the 80s and 90s. Here are some of his most successful songs.

Mary Fredrickson was 61.
Mary Fredrickson, singer of the legendary Swedish duo Roxette, died on Monday, December 9, at the age of 61.
Roxette, founded in 1986 by Frederick and Each Gessle, was one of the most successful pop bands of the 80s and 90s.
Sweden soon became the most famous group, after Abba, for international success.
Fredrickson and Gisele became worldwide in the late 1980s when they released their legendary album Look Sharp!
They are an illustration.
Mary Fredrickson was 61.
The worldwide binary successfollowed in 1991 with the release of their third album “Joyride”.
With the great success of the duo in the Spanish-speaking world, Roxette released her album “Baladas en Spanien” in 1996.
Over the course of her career, Roxette has hosted more than 550 shows, sold 75,000,000 records and reached four number one on the US board charts.
Here are 5 of Roxette’s most famous songs.
1st Must Be Love (1987)
The song, known as “Must Be Love,” is one of Roxette’s biggest-selling events and perhaps her most famous song.
He became his third number one in the United States of America and was awarded gold in many countries. Her success was partly due to her appearance on “A Beautiful Woman”.
Listen to the song here.
My Time Time (1990)
In Spanish, it was known as “Spend Time” and was released as the fourth single album by “Joyride”.
The song was one of the group’s biggest visits to Latin America and reached number one in most countries on the continent.
Listen to the song here.
Listen to Your Heart (1988)
The song is included on the album “Sharp Sight!” and reached number one on the 100 Individual Hot States Board in November 1989.
“Hala [The Kurzon] was the Spanish version that the duo recorded to record their 1996 hit album “Baldes en Spain”.
Listen to the song here.
The Look (1988)
Written for every sing, it was the song that made the Swedish duo an international star.
It is included on the album “Look Sharp!” and is one of the 20 most listening songs from 1989, according to his board magazine. They won the golden plate and sold more than 500,000 copies.
Listen to the song here.
Joyride (1991)
It was the first single from the album “Jurid” to reach the top of the charts in Europe, Canada and the United States, where it reached number one on the Billboard 100 Spicy in 1991.
In ssle interviews that wrote the song, he had a first stanza idea thanks to his girlfriend, who left him a note on his piano to read, “Hey, you, I love you.”
Listen to the song here.
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